Category: Weekly News | Anuncios Semanales

Weekly News: 3/13/25 | Noticias Semanales 3/13/25

Important Dates Celebration of Learning Feedback Thank you for attending our Celebration of Learning event yesterday! If you haven’t already, please fill out this quick feedback form. Your input will help us improve the event in the future. UCAN Homeownership Summit UCAN’sContinue Reading

Weekly News 2/27/25 | Noticias Semanales 2/27/25

Important Dates Swansea Staff Shoutouts If you would like to shout-out a Swansea Staff member publicly, please fill out this Google form. We’ll start incorporating staff member shout-outs in next week’s newsletter. Thank you for helping highlight the incredible work that ourContinue Reading

Weekly News 3/6/25 | Noticias Semanales 3/6/25

Important Dates Join us at the Celebration of Learning The Celebration of Learning event is only a week away! We hope to see you on March 12 at 5 pm at Swansea! Dinner will be provided, and kindergarten will beContinue Reading

Weekly News 2/13/25 | Noticias Semanales 2/13/25

Swansea Principal Family Emergency: Please Read Swansea guardians should have received the below letter from Mr. James Scott, an Executive Director at DPS, regarding Principal Diaz and a family emergency. A copy of this letter is below: Dear Swansea families,Continue Reading

Weekly News 2/6/25 | Noticias Semanales 2/6/25

Important Dates Parent Volunteers Needed on Feb. 19 We are looking for four parent volunteers to assist on February 19 with class pictures. Please contact the Front Office if you’re available to help. Volunteers will be helping escort students toContinue Reading

Weekly News 1/30/25 | Noticias Semanales 1/30/25

Important Dates Immigration Resources for Families All students, regardless of immigration status, have a constitutionally protected right to access free public education. Public K-12 schools must teach all students free of charge, regardless of their immigration status or their parents’Continue Reading

Weekly News: 1/16/25 | Noticias Semanales 1/16/25

Parent Portal Access & SchoolChoice SchoolChoice Round 1 is now open! Please make sure you are able to log into your Parent Portal account. Guardians will need access to their account to complete their student’s SchoolChoice Application. If you’re unableContinue Reading

Weekly News: 1/9/25 | Noticias Semanales 1/9/25

Upcoming ACCESS Testing ACCESS Testing at Swansea will begin on January 14. Multilingual Learners (MLLs) in grades K-12 participate in the ACCESS for ELLs state assessment. This assessment measures a student’s English language skills in the areas of speaking, listening,Continue Reading

Weekly News: 12/5/24 | Noticias Semanales 12/5/24

Important Dates Join Us at Skate Night Mark your calendars! Swansea Elementary will be having a Skate Night on December 11 at 5:30 p.m. at Skate City Arvada. There is an entry fee of $8. Skate rentals will be coveredContinue Reading

Weekly News: 11/21/24 | Noticias Semanales 11/21/24

Important Dates Save the Date: Skate Night Mark your calendars! Swansea Elementary will be having a Skate Night on December 11 at 5:30 p.m. at Skate City. More details will be available after Thanksgiving break. Reminder: Thanksgiving Break Students willContinue Reading

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