Category: Weekly News | Anuncios Semanales

Weekly News: 10/25/24 | Noticias Semanales 10/25/24

Important Dates Trunk-or-Treat at Swansea Elementary We will be celebrating Halloween by hosting a Trunk-or-Treat event at our school on October 31 beginning at 5 p.m. What is Trunk-or-Treat? This event is a safe way for students to participate inContinue Reading

Weekly News: 10/17/24 | Noticias Semanales 10/17/24

Important Dates Last Call to Complete the BESS Survey Guardians, please take the BESS survey! The survey closes this Friday, October 18. The Behavior & Emotional Screening System, or BESS, supports school teams in knowing how and when to interveneContinue Reading

Weekly News: 10/10/24 | Noticias Semanales 10/10/24

Final Reminder to Complete the BESS Survey Guardians, please take the BESS survey! The survey closes on October 18. The Behavior & Emotional Screening System, or BESS, supports school teams in knowing how and when to intervene when student safetyContinue Reading

Weekly News: 10/3/24 | Noticias Semanales 10/3/24

Chats with the Principal Join us on October 4 from 8:30-9:30 a.m. for Chats with the Principal! At this meeting, we will have two guest speakers. Our first guest is a former Swansea teacher turned life-coach! Join us to learnContinue Reading

Weekly News: 9/26/24 | Noticias Semanales 9/26/24

Join us at Fiesta Hispana Help us celebrate Latino cultures at Fiesta Hispana! The event will take place today, September 26 from 5-7 p.m. and will include student performances and snacks from Latino cultures. Families will be able to sampleContinue Reading

Weekly News 9/19/24 | Noticias Semanales 9/19/24

Important Dates Join us at Fiesta Hispana Help us celebrate Latino cultures at Fiesta Hispana! The event will take place on Thursday, September 26 from 5-7 p.m. and will include student performances and snacks from Latino cultures. Families will beContinue Reading

Weekly News 9/12/24 | Noticias Semanales 9/12/24

School Performance Framework, or SPF, Rating Swansea Elementary’s SPF rating will be available soon! When the SPF rating is finalized, we will publish the information. Mark Your Calendar: No School for Students There will be no school for students onContinue Reading

Weekly News 9/5/24 | Noticias Semanales 9/5/24

Lunch Applications Please visit the main office before or after school to complete your student’s lunch application. Reminder: Review the Family Handbook Families, please review the Parent Handbook. The last page of the handbook contains the 2024-25 Parent School Compact.Continue Reading

Weekly News 8/29/24 | Noticias Semanales 8/29/24

Important Dates 2024-25 Family Handbook Families, please review the Parent Handbook. The last page of the handbook contains the 2024-25 Parent School Compact. All students and parents must sign and return this document to the school. Printed copies of theContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements/ Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea Families Here is our Swansea weekly news: Lost and found Lost and found Please stop by the lost and found to see if any of the articles belong to your child. All unclaimed clothing will be donated JuneContinue Reading

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