Category: Weekly News | Anuncios Semanales

SchoolChoice | EscojoMiEscuela

Dear Swansea Families, School of choice Round 1 begins: January 15th, 2021 for ECE and 5th grade graduates. The applications will now be online or through the parent portal. ***Please call to set-up an appointment if you need assistance.*** Appointments atContinue Reading

January 7 | Weekly Announcements

Dear Swansea families, here is our Swansea Weekly News: In-Person Updates (Only for families that selected in-person learning) January 11th: In-person Learning for ECE – 2nd grade students  January 12th: In-person Learning for 3rd – 5th grade students  YMCA Program The YMCA programContinue Reading

Week Schedule: January 5th-12th

Please remember the schedule for this week: January 5th – 8th: all ECE – 5th grade students will be in remote learning January 11th: In-person Learning for ECE – 2nd grade students (only for families that selected in-person learning) January 12th: In-person LearningContinue Reading

Swansea Virtual Tour | Recorrido Virtual

Learn a little bit more about our wonderful school and see our campus through our video below! ¡Aprenda un poco mas sobre nuestra maravillosa escuela y conozca nuestro campus por medio del video a continuacion!

December 17 | Weekly Announcements

Dear Swansea families, Here are our Swansea Weekly News: Free COVID Testing This is offered to all Colorado residents at any of the available sites. You must register and have an appointment. Click on the link to register and selectContinue Reading

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