Category: Weekly News | Anuncios Semanales

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Book Fair We will be having our book fair on May 23-27. Please see the letter attached for more details Families: if you are available and want to help out withContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Swansea Field Day Friday May 13, 2022 at Swansea Park 8:45 – 11:00 (Kinder – 2nd grade) 12:15 – 2:30 (3rd – 5th grades) United for Swansea Monday May 16, 2022Continue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Chats with the Principal Friday May 6, 2022 @ 8:15 AM in the auditorium Read2Kids  Tuesday May 3, 2022 from 4:30 – 6:30 PM Please see the attached flier Swansea FieldContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: CMAS Raffles All students who completed their testing in the morning are eligible for the raffle and will get 1 ticket for each test they take. Five prizes will be givenContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Chats with the Principal Friday April 8,2022 @ 8:15 AM in the auditorium CMAS Testing Testing will be from April 11, 2022 – April 29, 2022 for all 3rd – 5thContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Chats with the Principal Friday April 8, 2022 @ 8:15 AM in the auditorium Spring Break Monday March 28 – Friday April Surprise in the Mail Students, please expect something specialContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Class and Spring Pictures Day Tomorrow Friday March 18, 2022 Students will take both class and individual spring pictures. Students do not need to wear their uniforms for this day. ComeContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: COVID Vaccination Clinic We will have our second vaccination clinic tomorrow Friday, March 11 from 3:00 – 5:00 PM. You will need to register again by clicking one of the links:Continue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Chats with the Principal Friday March 4, 2022 @ 8:15 AM in the auditorium Swansea Day No School – Monday March 7, 2022 Class and Spring Pictures Day Students will takeContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Lost N Found We will be putting out the Lost N Found box in front of the main office in the mornings.  We ask that you please come and check toContinue Reading

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