Category: Weekly News | Anuncios Semanales

Weekly Announcements I Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea Families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Chats with the Principal All future Chats with the principal meetings in the afternoon have been cancelled March 2, 2023 April 6, 2023 May 11, 2023 Boogie Down – Globeville FreeContinue Reading

Weekly announcements I Anuncios semanales

Dear Swansea Families, Here is our Swansea weekly News: President’s Day Monday, February 20, 2023 No School Planning Day for Schools On February 21, 2023 Planning, assessment, and professional days for DPS Schools No School Valdes-Perry Library Kids club atContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements I Anuncios semanales

Dear Swansea Familes, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Denver Connector Free Neighborhood Rides Share Service Search “Denver Connector” in your app store Or call (720) 905-4438 Denver Connector, the free on-demand point to point ride share service. Denver DigsContinue Reading

Free Covid Rapid Testing I Pruebas Rapidas de Covid Gratis

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is providing your child’s school with a FREE COVID-19 screening testing program for the 2022-2023 school year. The weekly rapid antigen testing is available to all students regardless of vaccination status.Continue Reading

Weekly announcements I Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea Families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Valentine’s Sale We will be selling snacks and chocolates to celebrate Valentine’s day in front of the school on Friday, February 10,2023 at 2:30pm The World’s Finest chocolate $1.00 Nachos $1.00Continue Reading

Weekly Announcements I Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea Families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Read2kids Swansea Elementary School. Thursday February 2, 2023 What: A free book fair with arts & crafts, read out loud, entertainment and dinner! For who: Students and families Where: Swansea ElementaryContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios semanales

Dear Swansea Families, Here is our Swansea weekly news: Classroom Parties Birthday parties are reserved for Fridays during the last 15 minutes of the day. from 3:00pm – 3:15pm where students birthdays can be celebrated. United for Swansea Upcoming meetingsContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea weekly news: Thompson court road open On January 4th 2023 Thompson court road will be open. Staff and parents can begin entering and exiting our parking lot. Martin Luther King Jr. This yearContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Parent Handbook Click on the link to read the Parent Handbook Uniform We will have more uniforms with the Swansea logo in 2 weeks. Students can also use navy blue poloContinue Reading

Weekly Announcements | Anuncios Semanales

Dear Swansea families, Here is our Swansea Weekly News: Spirit Week Tuesday: Red, White & Blue – Students wear red white & blue colors Wednesday: Hawaiian Day – Students wear tropical shirts Thursday: Formal Day – Students wear fancy clothingContinue Reading

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